Mushroom-X translates the fruits of fungi research. We aim to unleash the potential of mushroom for our neXt generation and “Use The Mushroom To Love The World.” We believe that “Mushroom Can Save The World!”  

Mushroom-X is strong in mushroom science and related biotechnologies. With our research efforts on mushrooms from gene to table, we apply our technologies in producing mushroom foods for the current demand of the market and tackle food insecurity and environmental issues. We develop innovative, nutritious mushroom food products to enhance gourmet enjoyment. We create biomaterials for plastic substitutes and climate-smart technology for the farming industry. We are dedicated to raising sustainability awareness by STEAM workshops and exhibitions.

As nature-based education, we have designed the first-ever web-based spore print collage IT program, “x-Spore.”  It combines scientific elements from Biology and Art Tech for users to appreciate nature and further raise their environmental awareness.

Let’s reconnect and eXtend the beauty of nature!


Mushroom-X 致力於菇菌技術開發和可持續發展意識教育。我們旨在釋放菇菌的無限可能,以菇菌表達對世界的愛。我們憑着「菇菌可以救地球」的信念,以菇創未來。

Mushroom-X 的強項在於菇菌科研和相關的生物技術研究。通過把我們「從基因到餐桌」的技術成果運用到菇菌食品的生產,我們希望能在應對當前的市場需求,並解決糧食危機和環境問題的同時,也為大眾提供營養食物和增添美食享受。我們更把創新的真菌材料作為塑膠替代品,並提供農業技術服務,以解決氣候變化等全球問題。除了研發創新科技,我們也積極舉辦教育工作坊和展覽來提高民眾可持續發展的意識。






Mushroom-X translates the fruits of fungi research. We aim to unleash the potential of mushroom for our neXt generation and “Use The Mushroom To Love The World.” We believe that “Mushroom Can Save The World!”  

Mushroom-X is strong in mushroom science and related biotechnologies. With our research efforts on mushrooms from gene to table, we apply our technologies in producing mushroom foods for the current demand of the market and tackle food insecurity and environmental issues. We develop innovative, nutritious mushroom food products to enhance gourmet enjoyment. We create biomaterials for plastic substitutes and climate-smart technology for the farming industry. We are dedicated to raising sustainability awareness by STEAM workshops and exhibitions.

As nature-based education, we have designed the first-ever web-based spore print collage IT program, “x-Spore.”  It combines scientific elements from Biology and Art Tech for users to appreciate nature and further raise their environmental awareness.

Let’s reconnect and eXtend the beauty of nature!


Mushroom-X 致力於菇菌技術開發和可持續發展意識教育。我們旨在釋放菇菌的無限可能,以菇菌表達對世界的愛。我們憑着「菇菌可以救地球」的信念,以菇創未來。

Mushroom-X 的強項在於菇菌科研和相關的生物技術研究。通過把我們「從基因到餐桌」的技術成果運用到菇菌食品的生產,我們希望能在應對當前的市場需求,並解決糧食危機和環境問題的同時,也為大眾提供營養食物和增添美食享受。我們更把創新的真菌材料作為塑膠替代品,並提供農業技術服務,以解決氣候變化等全球問題。除了研發創新科技,我們也積極舉辦教育工作坊和展覽來提高民眾可持續發展的意識。




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